Showing Japan Houston


Contact us for more information about performing a demonstration at your next event.
Please reach out to us by email for all demonstration inquiries.

Check back for more images of our demonstrations!

Showing Japan Houston has been doing demonstrations in Houston, TX since 1989.

Up until that point, when local schools and others requested demonstrations about Japanese culture it was the parents of Japanese students attending those schools that responded to those requests. However, as interest in Japanese culture grew, and the requests from schools began to come in earnest, parents from several schools decided to work together and combine their knowledge, skills, and materials. Soon, Showing Japan was created. Since then, it has continued to share Japanese culture in Houston.

Currently, we fulfill requests by schools, libraries, and other local entities for demonstrations of Japanese culture with activities such as tea ceremony, calligraphy, origami, and yukata dressing.

We are always looking for new members, so please contact us by email if you are interested.

Does your school, church, office, or library host an International Festival or have a cultural awareness event? We humbly await your invitation to provide a demonstration at your next event!

Showing Japan は、ヒューストン日本商工会のご支援の元、ヒューストンの方々に日本の文化を紹介するボランティアグループで、1989年にヒューストン日本語補習校の保護者が中心となり創設されました。

 それまでは現地校などから日本文化を紹介してほしいという要望があると、その学校にお子さんを通わせている保護者が学校ごとに対応していましたが、日本文化への関心が高まり多くの学校からの依頼が相次ぐ中、いくつかの現地校に通う保護者が互いに協力し、集まった日本紹介の資料などを使ってShowing Japanとして活動を始めました。その後現在までヒューストンの日本文化紹介の窓口のひとつとして活動を続けています。



Upcoming Event

2024年11月16日 七五三・晴れ着撮影会が行います!後日お知らせします!

Our next event is a soft opening of our 7-5-3 Photo Session. Please look forward to our official opening at a later date!

Available Demonstrations

Check out what demonstrations we are able to provide!



Interested in becoming a member? Check out more information about joining by following the “More Information” button.

Find Us on Social Media

Check us out on Instagram!



Meet some of our members

While we would love to introduce ourselves here, our members change often as job transfers and relocations happen throughout each year. We each have various skills and passions related to Japanese culture and hope to have the opportunity to share these with Houston.